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CamMate 100


CamMate 100

The CamMate 100 includes a 100mm diameter bowl mount and is designed to accommodate a wide range of professional cameras; it is durable, rugged, and made in-house.  This  jib arm comes standard with the same high grade aluminum and configured the same as the Travel Series cranes.

Includes:  main section, standard tail, nose, fork with 100mm bowl, tripod, wheels and brakes.

Accessory:  short tail piece (illustrated in these photos), extra arm sections to achieve lower or higher lens height, mitchell mount adapter  to attach the 100 arm to a dolly base with a mitchell plate, cruiser doorway dolly base

The CamMate 100 will fit on any of our dolly bases. The CamMate 100 is perfect for the Independent Filmmaker, Cinematographer, and Videographer who wants to add motion to the shot.



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